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Showing posts from November, 2009

Random Act Of Kindness Experiment

Something different. I don't Blog to espouse any particular life philosophy, but rather to momentarily prompt pause for thought. December is a month of celebration and reflection for many. Connecting with friends and family, present giving and receiving and for many some contemplation and renewing of spiritual beliefs. In the midst of this crazy neon illuminated tinsel sprinkled hustle and bustle are many lost souls enduring a disconnected sense of emptiness, highlighted by the apparent joie d'vivre playing out all around them. Here's a thought. Not original I might add. Try doing something a little outrageous this month. Let's call it a Random Act Of Kindness . Random as in unplanned, spontaneous and possibly anonymous, and marvel at the impact. I'm making a leap of anticipation here, and that is; the impact on YOU will be as profound as the recipient. Some concrete for instances. When someone next asks you for some change, tell them you've only got a $...

The End Of The World!

According to the great prophets of doom and supported by a heavy mix of pseudo science and science fiction the world is on course for a predictable conclusion in late December 2012. Wrapped up neatly in ancient Mayan mythology, though mostly ridiculed by modern Mayans, the 2012 phenomenon as it is referred, posits global cataclysm of Doomsday proportions. The end of the world as we know it. The hype and speculation certainly adds fuel to the fire of Hollywood self promotion. A film (2012) that reputedly cost nearly 300 Million dollars to spawn will milk every ounce from the flood of speculation and accompanying sensationalism. What fascinates this scribbler however, is the observation that so many outwardly intelligent participants in this soap opera seem hypnotized and unable to distinguish reality from fantasy. There are an increasing number of accounts of people preparing for the 'inevitable'. talks of suicide pacts, and other troubling stories of mass delusion....