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Showing posts from April, 2010

Why Are You So Stupid?

Why Are You So Stupid? If you have even a mild reaction to that greeting then you’re in good company. Call me any number of names and direct unsolicited vitriol in my direction and unless your opinion actually matters to me I guess I’ll continue on my merry way. Or not. How many of us are that grounded and rational? 'Why are you so stupid?' is a question that reads differently depending on the word emphasized. There’s also a presumption you are in fact stupid. Fully-grown and productive members of society often revert to the emotional state of a three year old when criticized, particularly if name-calling is involved. This is most in evidence on the anonymous highways of our urban jungle. Placid librarians morph into frenzied psychotic gesticulators and incoherent expletive rendering ranters at the merest of accepted traffic etiquette being breached. In the cold light of day and reasoned contemplation it would appear to be evidence of global lunacy. Let’s assume t...

You Only Get What You Put Up With!

‘You can’t always get what you want, but you know sometimes you get what you need.’ Inspiring words from Mick and Keith. I have an irrational lack of appetite for shows that purport to be Current Affairs. Not for any compelling reason other than the fact that they gnaw on my soul when I inadvertently wander into the sphere of their influence. Not unlike the sound of long nails clawing across a windowpane or a Celine Dion record for that matter, the irritation is palpable.  Like fodder to sheep or lambs to the slaughter, to prolong the metaphor, the overt manipulation of salacious and highly edited ‘news’ into a neat advertising friendly package, is acutely self serving. So what you may ask?  I have no particular opinion on tabloid journalism. In fact the more outrageous the headlines, the more entertaining and by extension, the less seriously we accept the message. Current affairs shows however, masquerade as arbiters of right and wrong, providing the moral compass ...

The Tipping Point

Certain phrases and labels mysteriously appear in the everyday lexicon and virally spread. Before long Four Wheel Drive vehicles are the quaint labels used by absent-minded old codgers to describe SUV’s.  Portfolios used to refer to man-purses carried by toffs. All day has morphed in to 24/7 and social networking has erupted from the realm of Church tea and scone get togethers in to the ubiquitous tweeting of mass popular culture. A few years back it seemed like all change was described as a paradigm shift. More recently the term ‘Tipping Point” has made its entrance. Unlike the word paradigm, which is a non-descriptive word without soul and colour, favoured by Lawyers and politicians for the obvious reason that they facilitate obfuscation, I quite like this new player. You can mentally shift gears when imagining a tipping point. With the warp speed evolution of ideas into things and an apparent unquenchable appetite for the novel and uber cool latest technology; ti...

Hope is Not a Strategy!

As a preface to this scribble I'd like to reiterate that this Blog does not represent a philosophy or point of view I believe anyone else should adhere to. As the Header indicates, this is merely a wry commentary picking at the scab of human observation, in the hope of eliciting an occasional pause for thought and confronting some of the irony in life's journey. All hugely positive comments endorsing the the Blog are welcomed in the spirit of my own delusion. I like the provocative statement; hope is not a strategy . The use of words such as wish, hope and turn of phrases for instance; 'if only..', are usually the precursors to paralysis. When we have delusional excuses to fall back on, it's easy to abdicate personal responsibility. I wish i could speak fluent Japanese, bench press 150k, date a super-model(not really!) play jazz piano with ease and own a football team, ...if only.. There's the rub. 'If only' just doesn't cut it. Having a fa...

Life Matters! The E-Book?

Pondering the absurdity of quantifying meaning in an infinite and intangible universe- I am compiling a collection of recent Blogs into an E-Book. As a thank you to my social networking connections I will be offering 50 Free downloads to those who register interest.  Let me know at If you have a favorite title -Let me know-feedback's always appreciated. Below is a link to some archive Blogs: