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Anomolies of Life and Old Wives Tales

The Wisdom of Parents: ‘eat everything on your plate and be grateful you’re not one of the starving millions’ a rallying cry and first seed of an obesity epidemic is born.

Governor Arnie chastises his children for leaving too many lights on in the house, the environmental cost presumably equates to a punctuation mark in his litany of mind-blowing special effects, and Hummer driven excesses.

Global warming is a hysterical theatrical issue that we are cajoled into feeling guilty about in a manner reminiscent of teenage catholic boys reaching an age of carnal curiosity. How exactly is a perpetually drenched and windswept Celt worse off by this advent of clement weather? Perhaps the historically far more prevalent global freezing is the greater grim reaper.

Today’s hero invariably morphs in to tomorrow’s villain. Our sporting idols fall, we mimic the outrage of the tabloids until we adapt to their integration as mere mortals amongst us, and then rehabilitate them as rebels incarnate to be admired again as they triumph over adversity.

When have you ever tut tutted at someone’s indiscretions and later wondered what possessed you to become so self-righteous? Non smokers look with disdain on their fellow dim witted friends before hurtling off at literal break neck speed down the freeway of life, mobile in hand, distracted by the merest glimpse of sexual gratification via the billboard reflected in the rear view mirror.

Are we all mad or have we inexorably devolved into our parents. Say it isn’t so! When did we become so sure of our certainties, and the way the world should unfold? So many questions with fleeting answers that more often than not evaporate into the old wives tales they inevitably become.

Of course this all an exercise in irreverence, and the futility of taking life too serious. In hindsight we’re all living in a cosmic joke, with no punch line.

Hope you’re appreciating the nonsense of this temporary experience!

If any of this scribbling is to your palette's taste you might also like a previous archived Blog titled Does Truth Exist? 

All comments appreciated except the ones expressing what a tosser I am? Only kidding-they're appreciated too!

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