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Maybe You Should Just Quit!

Not a slogan Nike would advocate!

Without some context words such as persistence, patience, endeavor and dedication suggest a noble attitude to life matters. They symbolize ‘the stiff upper lip’ attitude to struggle. "Never ever give up"; to paraphrase Churchill goes to the heart of most self-help and personal development philosophy.
The danger of blindly following this type of perseverance without considering its context is that more often than not, triumph does not overcome adversity, at the first attempt.
There is a massive industry peddling personal development material. Books, Seminars, Webinars and all manner of strategies that range from useful and inspiring to borderline extortion.
Harsh comment? I don’t think so. We live in a society that reveres its celebrities regardless of their substance. The personal development industry has its share of super rich ‘leaders’ who have attained a status within their tribe equivalent to religious pontiffs.
Some of these leaders are charismatic marketers who meld their worldview into the economics of their business. This has consequences.  Akin to a cult, many adherents lose the perspective to judge whether the vision presented is real or illusory.
That said I am a big believer in the power of positive reinforcement, inspiration, motivation and the harnessing of the minds awesome potential. My bookshelves are laden with the works of Robbins, Tracy, Waitley, Branson, Canfield and the like. From time to time though I consciously step back and say ‘but it ain’t necessarily so!”
Wisdom is often only observed in hindsight and some of the lessons we believe to be true, especially because our heroes have uttered them, are wrong.
Winners never quit! Actually they do, considerably more often than couch potatoes. Never ever give up! Why not? If you are in a terrible relationship or job or non-profitable business or any number of pursuits, there comes a time when decisions need to be made and acted on.
The magic ingredient is context. Success in any area of life requires a belligerent never say die attitude. It is the attitude of believing in the dream or aspiration and the continual refining of the skills required to attain success that really matters.
The vehicle may change many times. Quit the business, but keep the belief in the goal. Quit the Yoga and take up Pilates, quit the doctorial studies in Medicine and transfer to Law.  Maintain the rage I say. Maintain that passion for attaining your childhood dreams, but be mindful there’s more than one way to reach the summit.
Hope your life is unfolding and with exhilarating possibility on a daily basis!


Jerome Ratliff said…
Hey Kiaran,

Great post. Having the right amount of belief and passion will move you closer to your goal.

Those do quit will never have the beautiful luxury of experiencing what that's like.

For me, it's about the ride and keeping my eye on the prize.

Have a great day,
Jerome Ratliff
Anonymous said…
Hi Kiaran,

Most people don't follow through their goals, then quit.

You're right, sometimes we need to change the course of our actions to create success and that's not quitting.

Thanks for sharing your inspiring thoughts.

All the best,
Mavis Nong
Anonymous said…
Hi Kiaran,

thanks for sharing your ideas. The wise man knows when to quit and when to follow through. And you are right: Once we quit a certain vehicle, we may never give up on our childhood dreams.

Take care

Neil Macdonald said…
Hey Kiaran,

Very well put.

Sometimes you have to ask "why" to break things down and find your actual goal.

I want a successful blog..Why?
So I can be financially independent... Why ?
So I can travel the world.

Your goal is traveling the world, not having a blog.

The question then becomes is a blog the "vehicle" that works the best for you.

If not then pick another one.

You are not quitting your goal, you are adjusting the method that you are using to get there.


Steve Shoemaker said…
Great post Kiaran and great looking blog awesome background.

But let's get back to the awesome post.

I couldn't have read this at a better time thinking about making some changes in my marketing and my business plans.

Consistency is good but foolish consistency only leads to failure.

If it's not working it's not working.

Thanks for the phrase "there is more than one way to the summit" that help me.

Steve Shoemaker
Susanna Hess said…
Hi Kiaran,

Interesting post.

This is why knowing what you want out of life, love, and business, is so important.

If you know where you want to be, what your end goal is, then it's easier to work backward from there to know the best vehicle to get you there.

Sometimes we take a wrong turn, but as long as we get back on track, and keep going, we'll get there.

Thanks for this.

Unknown said…
I don't have any problem quitting if it serves my ultimate purpose.

Sometimes it takes a stronger person to admit the wrong course of action and start all over, rather than blindly continue on with no hope for success.

Loved your thoughts as always, Kiaran.

Tommy D. said…
Hi Kiaran,

For those who quit do not want it enough.

It is a struggle at times but like Jerome says keep that passion and desire burning.

I always look at the big picture and push forward no matter what.

Thanks for the post.

Tommy D.
Hello Kiaran

The thing that you do not quit on is your dream.

It is ok to quit some of the steps you take if you determine that tey are not leading to your dreams.

So yes, Winners never quit, quit chasing their dreams that is.
Unknown said…
Hey Kiaran,

I am having difficulty commenting on your blogs on my end.

Let me know if you get this, and what name shows up.

Take a look at Jenny Travers in your comments LOL.

Please delete this

thanks, Neil
Kiaran Finn said…
Hi Neil your comment arrived and appreciated -it might be because it had to be moderated for it to show up,,Cheers K
Anonymous said…
I have a little sign in a flowewr box next to the front door of my home. It reads "A Winner Is A Dreamer Who NEVER Quits!"

I get to see it evry day when I leave the house in the morning & again when I arrive home in the evening.

The battle of life is fought every day...& it is won or lost in your head!

Stay inspired!
Robert Strong said…

There are so many people that quit on so many different things in life it is really depressing. In this industry people dont know how close they are to becoming successful and quit.

There are days that we all want to quit because the program doesnt work, our blog crashes or whatever else. The difference is that we have a dream and a passion to obtain this dream and we will not let anything or anyone stop us!

One of the grea things about this industry is the amount of knowledge that is avaialble to us. We have the ability to take all this knowledge and write our own ticket if we chose! Liek anything else it is a choice we make. !

Great post thank you!
ldobson said…
Hi Kiaran,

How true it is . . ."Quitters never win." I always attempt to apply the "Ant Theory" As you are aware of . . Ants just keep going towards their objective. They will go over, around to the left, around to the right, through, under, across until they win. So with that said . . .That's the ticket. You try "Until" you win.

Go out and make it a great day!
Lloyd Dobson :)

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