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The Futility of Exercise

My friends think me slightly odd. Perhaps I'm understating their actual viewpoint. You see I have a predilection, some might call it a vice. I frequent a 'no-name' fast food establishment, daily. Have done so for years. Apparently this is the behavior of the bewildered, odd, eccentric and by all accounts, one step from psychiatric Institutionalization.

I quite like the predictable ambiance. No one hovering around, trying to upsize you to desert, more drink. A macchiato perhaps. Also it's within the acceptable etiquette to eat alone whilst perusing the provided newspaper.

Not least is the lack of daily decision making about what to eat daily. like a mini celebrity, the 'usual' is proffered without asking.

Parallel to this apparent idiocy, is my thrice weekly visit to my local gym. There I 'mix' with many adherents of this peculiar pastime. Pumping Iron, pulling cables, sweating profusely, heart rate elevated. Except, what's curious, is this is actually not the case for most of these fellow gym junkies. Most look way too anemic to have ever stepped inside the 'No name" fast food eatery. Definitely the Veg and Fruit types. In all the years we've co-frequented this place of toil, they look exactly the same, except older. Neither more toned, larger, more defined, tauter. No just older.

Makes me wonder who's actually strange. Maybe it's the world that's out of kilter not me!

There is an observation here, maybe even an insight.

You see by normal social standards I should be obese. On the contrary.

I barely spend 35 minutes in the gym. That includes warm up and warm down. Yet I lift twice maybe three times as much weight as most of these unmet 'junkies' with virtually no recovery between sets. Some of these characters are 5 days a week 90 minutes a session participants. Yet no discernible change in body shape or strength. How peculiar.

It's a myth that fast food makes you fat. Bold statement. It's what you eat and how much. Newsflash: Fried food cooked at home and eaten in copious amounts washed down by a gallon of coke or bottle Chardonnay is not a healthy diet.

Exercise is either a form of obsessive compulsive pointlessness or its an ongoing incremental adaptation to stress. Without some level of stress, nothing happens. Lift heavier, take shorter recovery and make progress. It's not profound. Meanwhile I'll continue my peculiar relationship with my contrasting establishments.


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