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It's OK to be you!

Yet another disturbing article, this time in todays Sunday newspaper, regarding youth alienation and feelings of self loathing.

We live in a culture that reflects a distorted view of 'reality'. Why the parenthesis? Reality is as intangible as a fleeting thought. Everything we percieve is filtered through a context lens. Alas we are mostly unaware that someone else is manipulating our filter.

Our Facebook 'selfie' illicited no Likes and yet that vacuuous blonde bimbo gets an avalanche of positive and gushing comments with every uploaded pouting pic. This Social Media popularity contest really sucks.

Of course I'm being facetious, but with positive intent.

Cleverly merchanised personal branding is nevertheless just that, merchandised packaging. it really is OK to be you. Seeking the approval of a tribe that is self obsessed is a fools gold. Authenticity takes longer to crystallise but the pay off can last a lifetime.

Authentic behaviour requires no practise. Authentic people are sticky. They attract other like minded people into their sphere. They are interesting, if for no other reason than that they are interested in us. They are not competing for popularity air time with us. They are generous in their endorsements and go out of their way to offer assistance.

Non clinical depression is often associated with erroneous interpretation of how we fit into our society. The minute you change gears and appreciate that it really is OK to be you and popularity is a pointless pursuit then your view of reality will change.

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