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Introverts Can Sell Too!

Master the dark arts of selling and you will never be unemployed!

Except of course that it's not a dark art.

I hear so many stories of genuine, authentic well meaning business owners struggling because of their perceived lack of that killer sales instinct. "it's just not me" they say to themselves and others.

Sales 'tricks' such as tie downs, soft closes, hard closes, negotiated closes, puppy dog closes....are not the domain of the introverted.

Disclosure: I'm not fond of selling. I hate cold calling, particularly via the telephone, and I'm overly sensitive to rejection. On the introvert/extravert continuum I fall closer to the former. The real kicker is my overly active empathy gene - I really don't want to disturb you with my persistence, in fact at even the slightest hint I've over stayed my welcome I'm liable to beat a hasty retreat. Perhaps some of you can relate to this state of impotency.

That said, you name it I've sold it. Thousands of one on one face to face conversions, cumulative tens of millions of dollars. Something incongruous it would seem must be afoot.

Most of us don't fit the mould of the hard nosed sales closer. Many of them are natural performers. They love the thrill of the chase. They can learn scripts, master the psychology of communication, and never hear no. They are like magicians, and they are few and far between.

There is plenty of room for the rest of us.

5 TIPS TO DRAMATICALLY AMPLIFY YOUR SALES CONVERSIONS - even if you're a knock kneed weakling, whose afraid of your own shadow. And if that's you I'm not judging....

Self talk: 'I'm the best, I feel terrific....' repeated for 1-2 minutes continually in the lead up to your presentation. It's a mental self esteem warm up. Even Usain Bolt probably the most naturally talented sprinter in sporting history needs to warm up (mentally).

Control the Sequence: Many a sales cycle commences with RELAX, proceeding to DISTURB, followed by SOLUTION, followed by TRANSACTION. Nothing good turns up in the absence of rapport. Rapport is all about THEM - your prospect. Small talk relaxes. Small talk connects. ALWAYS build rapport even if you think you have limited time.

Posture: "My time (sometimes explicit, sometimes you speaking to yourself) is very valuable as is yours, I have a few ideas that I think you'll find very valuable BUT if I don't think we're a fit I'll make a courteous exit." Be prepared to walk away. Diagnose before you prescribe. If you can't diagnose and be in agreement then there is no prescription (transaction). If you are desperate for the sale (prescription) your focus is in the WRONG place.

Questions. The more questions you ask the more problems you'll identify. Spend 90% of your preparation on finding great questions, and 10% on presentation techniques.

Don't ask for the sale! 'Does that make sense?' 'Do you see how this works?' 'Which looks best black or white?' 'What's your thought's on what I've shown you so far?'

That last incidental question reveals how well you've communicated your message, and the answer you receive is the answer to a question you didn't ask. "Will you buy from me?"

Introverts can be confident. Confidence is a feeling of competence and practice and success will build your confidence like a muscle that's continually exercised. Just keep it simple, it's not a dark art, and empathy really can be your ally.


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