What's The #News in your world?
Once upon a time (maybe 5 years ago) The News was something our peers ( 20 Million+ Australians) were equally exposed to.
Today The News is something we're drip fed through algorithmic retargeting. We are someone's niche.
My possibly imminent trip to Bali makes volcanoes News to me. My incessant clicking on sporting websites determines The News I'm exposed to. Occasional succumbing to click bait delivers me some celebrity gossip (#FAKE_News?)
Our online connections' utterances deliver what appears to be News - except it's all FAKE.
We are served up a filtered reality based on our behaviours and associations. We can consume an almost infinitely small broadcast of current affairs so I'm cool with choosing that which inspires, energises and empowers my daily life.
Occasionally I try to remind myself that it's still FAKE - a filtered reality of what I've chosen to focus on.
What a boring bland world this would be in the absence of mass irrational obssessiveness. There would be NO wonders of the world. Forget about the Guinness Book of Records or in fact any significant historical achievement. Why would anyone in their right mind set sail in a barely sea worthy vessel in the direction of the horizon with no reasonable expectation of navigating anywhere but over the edge of the world? We could argue that the Pyramids and ancient Aztec monuments were a response not to obsession but rather to a spiritual impulse. The appeasing of the gods as it were. Let’s not however meander in to that quicksand of philosophy. It would be all too easy to polarize most readers of this brief scribble by even hinting that Religion is an obsession. It’s hard not to be fascinated by the apparent crazy impulsive behavior of many collectors. I’m not referring to those with an eye on turning over a dollar, but rather those whose lives seemed consumed in a never endin...